1. Students shall obey the orders of their Co-ordinator & follow all the instructions / notices issued by Council.
  2. That fees and other charges once paid shall neither refunded in full or part under any circumstances or any ground nor shall be adjusted against any other course or student any request for the refund of the fees will not be entertained under any pretext or excuse , fees are to be paid strictly as per the schedule of fees. In case in any failure student will not be allowed to appear for the exams, penalty will be lived in case of late payment of fees.
  3. Students have to submit bonafied certificates/ attested copy of the certificates for admission at center along with other required documents and photographs before the last date.
  4. Students should apply for admission only after going through the prospectus carefully.
  5. Council will not be responsible for any changes made in Govt Policies or other body's from time to time. It will be binding on all the students to obey them for which Council will not be liable.
  6. Students should maintain utmost discipline & decency in the center.
  7. That any dispute arising at any time will be decided in the city court within the registered jurisdiction of the council.
  8. Council is empowered to take any decision or step which proves to be prejudicial at the interest of the institution.

Rules of Examination

Students who failed in any year/Semester will be allowed to continue the course of study for the next year/ Semester. In such a case students will have to appear for the left over papers of the previous years along with the papers of current year & clear the same.

Fees Particulars

Fees shall be paid as per the schedule of fees as mentioned in the prospectus.Students should clearly mention their name, course and other details behind the DD.Students are advised to pay II/ III (subsequent) year fees without waiting for any intimation from the Council .

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