Frequently Asked Question's
- Q?What are the Main aims & objectives of Swaran Education Council ?
The main objectives of Council is to provide Relevant & Efficient quality education at various levels & stages & through all possile mediums & tools of education to one & all irrespective of their creed/ Race/ sex/ Caste/Gender/Colour/Territory / Region/ Religion.
- Q?What is the Validity of Swaran Education Council ?
Swaran Educaiton Council which is legal, non commercial, voluntary, social educational institute Valid & Govt. reg. under Central Govt act XXI of 1860 and M.S Govt Bpt Act XXIX of 1950.vide Govt No :- GBBSD 1146 and f- 28723 (M)
- Q? What are the courses offer by Swaran Education Council ?
Council offers various Certificate, Diploma & P.G. Diploma courses at various levels & stages under Regular, Correspondences, Open & Distance education Mode.
- Q?Does Swaran Education Council receives / takes any grand/money/ aid from govt. or any other govt. organization ?
All the work carried by Council is social, Nobel & charitable, in nature. However, Shiksha Peeth does not receive / or takes any grant / aid / money from govt. or any other govt. organisation for its Nobel & social works.
- Q?What does Swaran Education Council awards ?
Council awards various Medals, Shields, Trophies, Certificates, Marks sheet, Transcripts, diplomas, upadhi Patras to eligible students who successfully complete the courses in all parts & stages.
- Q?How is Swaran Education Council different from other institutions ?
In Council learners are free to choose duration of the course in some programmes. Intergrated start early courses, Dual courses & Honours Courses are also made available in various fields & branches which provides maximum flexibility for the choice of the learner. transfer of credit,Exemption of papers / years & possibility to learn in various languages are additional facilities made available in certain cases. (For details, refer to prospectus)
- Q?What is the standard of education in Swaran Education Council ?
Council maintains a high standard in education. Course Materials & curriculums are regularly updated by experts, specialists & professionals as per the industry requirements & feed back received from students, Parents, Teachers & industry professionals.
- Q?What are the employment opportunities available to the students ?
Students can get employment in various MNC�s (Multinational Companies) Organizations & Ltd companies of India & Abroad as ShikshaPeeth maintains high standard in education. Study materials & course curriculums are regularly updated as per the industry & market requirements & feed back received from experts, specialists, professors, teachers, parents, students, general public & industry professionals from India & Abroad.