
Swaran Education Council is Social, Non-Commercial, Voluntary Educational institute Valid & Govt Reg under Maharashtra Govt Act 29 of 1950 & Central Govt Act 21 of 1860. Vide Govt No 1146 & F-28723 (M).

According to Govt Reg norms area of operation of Council is wide & extensive all over India.

Functions & Facilities

Provided by Council:-

Council runs various autonomous, other institutions & University courses and conducts their examination. Courses are generally offered through regular, correspondences & distances Education mode. This step caters to the needs of those students who are interested in higher education but are unable to join regular colleges and universities for lack of resources and time. These courses are also beneficial to students who are studying in regular colleges /universities and are interested in upgrading there knowledge and skill or are interested in opting for dual qualification.

Who We Are

SIt is now almost Eight years since Swaran Education Council was established although its history dates back to 2005 when the London Institute of Technology & Research (LITR) appointed Swaran Education as its authorised admission centre, which was followed by PC-Tech college USA, NILS Japan. Soon Swaran Education was Indian Regional Centre/ Technical collaborator for London Institute of Technology & Research (LITR).Within a short span of time Education council has made impressive progress in many areas of our educational system may that be technical collaboration or establishing a University (Shivmudra University established by the state govt of Chhattisgarh) or establishing Distances Learning centre of many universities (to name a few : Chaudhary Devilal University, The Global Open University, MS University, KSOU.... & the list goes on)

In addition to tradition System of study & Examination Swaran Education has always welcomed new innovative initiatives of on-line study & examination, Assignment mode, Research based system, in the field of educational planning and administration.

The choice of education through distances mode was made to facilitate large number of population & facilitate working professionals, college/ school drop outs & others who were left out of General education system for one reason or the other.

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